Topic outline
International Summer Design Workshop 2021
The International Design Workshop 2021 brought together students from different countries to take part in group activities to come up with a new design concept for a real-world problem.
52 students from 5 different countries namely, 🇯🇵, 🇰🇷, 🇹🇼, 🇸🇬, 🇱🇰 joined remotely.
We analyzed our lifestyle in groups and did the KJ method to create a new product design.
8月にオンラインで行われたISDW(国際サマーデザインワークショップ)に参加した。シンガポール(Nanyang Polytechnic)、韓国(Sangmyung University)、台湾(National Taiwan Ocean University), 日本(公立はこだて未来大学、東京芝浦工業大学)の学生49名が参加し、約1週間のグループワークに取り組んだ。
2021 Design Theme
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are the new global agenda to enable all humans to live a safe, peaceful and prosperous life within planetary boundaries.
In our International Summer Design Workshop, the 2021 theme was to follow one of Sustainable goals. There are 8 groups participating in the ISDW workshop. 6/7 members from 5 universities as a team, work together to develop posters as the final poster presentation. 10 posters about the Workflow and the Proposed project that align with the selected SDG theme. For the ISDW workshop 2021, Recommended theme was Number 6:
Clean water and Sanitation.
Ice Break
The first day of the workshop was the welcome party where students took part in Ice Break games. Students had a good chance to get to know their team members and become comfortable with each other.
The students did individual fieldwork and collected as many photos as possible based on the theme selected by each team. Fiel Cam was used to create cards out of the photos collected to do the KJ Method. Miro, a real-time board was used to conduct group activities in order to create a design to solve a real-world problem. Zoom, Line, and Instagram were used as communication platforms within groups.